Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Few Symptoms Of Tension Headache

Everybody experiences a tension headache at one moment in life or another. This is not a disease but merely an inconvenience one will feel for a period of time. Doctors refer to this as a tension headache. When this happens for a short period of time, it is known as episodic.

Should this last more a number of days, this is known as chronic. Research has not been able to pinpoint the cause of tension headaches. Regular people think this is caused by stress. The person could be working on the computer the whole day and develops eyestrain or there is a lot of pressure from the office. What are the symptoms of tension headaches? Mostly, people will feel pain in the forehead even all the way down to the back of the neck. It is like someone's hands are on both sides squeezing the life out of the person or the world is slowly caving in.

 Unlike a flu, the tension headache cannot be detected and this will just happen. It will occur in the late afternoon or in the evening if the employee is pulling long hours on a project. If it is a minor tension headache, the individual can ride it out with a glass of water and a few breathing exercises. Should the pain be severe, it will be a good idea to take aspirin to relieve the pain. It is always best to go to a doctor if this happens frequently.

The professional will be able to determine what is the problem so proper treatment can be given. Tension headaches that are stress related can be cured by going home and resting for a few days. People who are suffering from something severe such as a migraine or a chronic headache will be prescribed a drug to take care of the problem. It is only when nothing has changed that certain tests have to be done to make sure there is no tumor present.

 A tension headache can happen to anyone because it strikes without any warning. There are a lot of things that could have triggered this aside from stress such as the side effects of medication being taken to poor eating habits. It is a good thing this problem does not last long and is nothing serious or life threatening. Tension headaches come and go and can be overcome with or without the use of drugs.
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Chronic Headache

When people are unable to think properly and look straight, chances are the person has a headache. Cases such as these may be mild to severe which is why doctors say, its only in the head." There are two kinds of headaches. The first is called the tension headache, which may happen for a few minutes to a few hours.

It usually goes away by drinking some water or taking a break from whatever the person is doing. Those who are experiencing this for more than 15 days in a given month has something worse which is the second kind called a chronic headache. Research shows that there are very few people that have this problem. This often occurs to women than men perhaps because of hormones and other chemicals in the body. Scientists do not yet know the real cause of a chronic headache.

Some attribute it to stress or not getting enough nutrients in the diet. Believe it not, the type of medicine being taken may also be the cause of this problem. Should this occur for more than two days, it is best to consult with a doctor immediately for proper treatment. Doctors will not be able to tell that the patient has a chronic headache. This can only be done after answering some questions such as how long the headaches have happened including one's medical history.

 To narrow down the problem, a blood test and a neurological exam will be done on the patient. Two of these tests are the CT scan and the electroencephalogram or EEG. If the brain activity is normal and there are no problems inside like a broken blood vessel or tumor, only then can doctors say it is a chronic headache. There are various drugs in the market that are there to help treat chronic headaches.

Unfortunately, there have been instances where it just got worse after taking it. Should this happen, the patient should stop taking the medicine and try something different. Some researchers have pointed out the getting help from a chiropractor can make chronic headaches go away. This is because the techniques used by these professionals are not only to relieve any pain or tension in the spine because this comforts the whole body. Another eastern technique that is used to treat chronic headaches is acupuncture. This works by applying needles to sensitive spots to relieve tension in the body.
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10 Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache

Headaches are common pains that anyone can suffer. They can be caused by many factors such as stress, working for extended hours in front of the computer to injury and migraines which may be triggered by allergies such as food.

 Whatever the cause may be, the fact remains that having a headache is very uncomfortable and may keep you from performing to your full potentials. One need not suffer so much because of it, especially if the problem is constant and may keep you from being productive. Headaches may come in different forms usually depending on the cause. So most definitely, before you could opt for any ways to get rid of your headache, you must know first what is causing it.

The following are simple ways to get rid of headaches:

 1. Maintain good posture and do some stretching. Poor posture while working can cause what are known as tension headaches. Staying in such a position for a very long time may cause the muscles of the neck and shoulders to tighten up. One way to get rid of this headache is to maintain a good posture while working. Every now and then or if you feel tension pains setting in, do some stretching to get rid of the headache before it gets worse.

 2. Application of moist heat through a hot compress is also a good way to get rid of headaches. Get a towel and soak it in warm water and apply it on areas where you find pain and tension to rid your body of the discomfort.

 3. In women, a common problem is headache that comes days before their period. This is usually felt as a pain directly behind the eyes. To get rid of this headache, women must eat foods that are rich in zinc, especially those that come from lean proteins such as lean meats.

 4. Relax. The most common cause of headache is stress. Develop a healthy lifestyle which allows you to get enough sleep and rest. If you feel a huge headache coming in because of stress, get rid of this headache by taking a break from work and catching on some sleep.

 5. Get a massage. Tension headaches, especially ones that come with pain that radiates through the neck and shoulders are extremely uncomfortable. A way to get of this headache is by getting some massage, especially on the scalp, neck and shoulder areas to release all the tension that have build up there.

 6. Eat regularly. Do not skip meals because hunger and meal- skipping can also cause headaches. If you feel a headache about to start and you haven't had anything to eat, take a break and grab a bite to prevent that headache from progressing further.

 7. Drink lots of water. As much as possible, stick to the eight-glasses a day recommended amount of daily water intake. Water cools down the body and so when you feel a major headache, drink up to get rid of it. 

8. Ice. Ice is known to be effective in relieving different types of pains, headaches included. So another option to get rid of your headache if to use ice. Lie down and have an ice pack placed on the areas where you feel pain and tension such as behind your neck, temples or forehead.

 9. Kill the pain with pain killers. There are many over-the counter analgesics that are known to work for many forms of headaches. However, it is still best to consult a doctor first before choosing a pain reliever to get rid of your headache most especially if the problem persists for a very long time. It is best to work out with your doctor first what is truly causing the pain.

 10. Watch what you eat. Some headaches are triggered by food. This is most especially true for migraine sufferers. So if you feel that your headache was prompted by something that you ate, stop eating that food and consult your doctor to determine whether this is truly the source of your headache. Having a headache is an uncomfortable experience. It keeps you from performing your task and is counter-productive. Headaches have many causes and so to successfully get rid of that headache, it is best to try to figure out first what is causing it in the first place. Lifestyle still plays a major role in determining whether you headache problem is just temporary or will pester you for a very long time.
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Natural Headache Relief

Many prefer natural headache relief because of the side effects of drugs. Natural treatments are generally harmless and it often makes sense to combine different solutions. Headaches or migraines can have different reasons.

Some natural treatments work therefore better for certain headaches than others. Assuming that your headache is not the result of a disease then you have either tension-type headaches or vascular headaches. Tension-type headaches are simply caused by overstraining of muscles. That can be strain of the eyes, face, teeth or muscles in the neck for instance. Relaxation and massage of these muscles can bring immediate relief.

Vascular headaches are caused by a dysfunction of the blood flow in the head. For still unknown reasons the blood vessels in the head take too much blood, dilate too much and causes the pain. Narrowing the arteries brings relief. Natural headache remedies which can influence these causes can bring pain relief. Here is an overview of what you can do. Many of the following tips are also useful in preventing headaches or migraines. Some are good to fight the pain when the headache has started already:

 1. Affect the blood circulation by taking a hot/cold bath or shower, making a cold compress to your forehead, a hot or cold compress to your neck or/and put your feet in hot/cold water.

 2. Feverfew tee has been a well known migraine treatment since centuries.

 3. Drink a cup of strong coffee. The caffeine narrows the arteries.

 4. Lavender and peppermint can relax. You can drink a tea or apply the oils to your temples, neck and hairline.

 5. It's reported that many foods can trigger headaches. Avoid refined sugar, sweeties, gums. Avoid cold stuff like ice cubes and ice cream as the sudden cold can cause headache. Avoid too much salt.

 6. Relaxation in a darkened room brings relief. Lie down and take slow deep breathes.

 7. Avoid skipping a meal. If you haven't eaten since a while and the headache starts, it can be because of the low blood sugar. Eat or drink something that gives you energy quickly, like fresh fruits or fresh juice but...

8. ...Avoid refined sugar at any case. Refined sugar will increase the blood sugar quickly and then it will drop quickly again. This can be a cause for migraines.

 9. Avoid bright or flashing lights.

 10. Reduce stress.

 11. Take supplements like magnesium, vitamin C, B vitamins (choline, niacin), tryptophan.

 12. Use Biofeedback and learn to control your body functions better. 

13. Acupuncture has helped many people with headaches and migraines.

 14. Aromatherapy can bring relief. Sniffing essential oils like lavender, peppermint or marjoram or applying them to the temples can help.
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About this blog

This blog is discuss the most common personal causes of headaches. It is also dicusses some of the underlying health issues that can cause headaches

Stress control , Brain tumor types , Headache relief information , Headache types , Depression problems 2012

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